Communitas North America churches and missional projects take on many forms, but they all are focused on these essential functions of the Body of Christ:



Connecting with God and others in authentic, real-life experiences. We realize we have not arrived but are always in the process of being shaped as God’s people. We grow from challenges and do not strive to avoid them or deny them. Doubt, deconstruction, heartache, and wrestling work hand-in-hand with assurance, reconstruction, joy and peace to transform us and our communities and draw us ever closer to abundant communion with our Creator.


We practice radical hospitality and loving and welcoming of the stranger in mission-focused community. We don’t live compartmentalized lives but rather holistically integrate all of our existence into shared-life for the love of the world. We do this by engaging in culturally contextual expressions in a relational manner.


We promote life and life-change in our missional pursuits and look-outward to serve the needs of our neighbors. Mission is not a “program” or a “trip,” but is rather the essence of who we are. God, through Christ, commissions God’s people, the Church, to go into the world to demonstrate and tangibly express God’s presence and loving intention for all of humanity.